4 Automotive Innovations To Be Thankful For This Season

Thanksgiving is just around the corner – a time for second helpings, second cousins, and getting through the second quarter of the Cowboys game before the tryptophan sets in.

It’s also a season that calls for introspection, for renewing your appreciation of the things that make life worth living. Whether you’re out picking up the turkey or chauffeuring the family to Grandma’s place, the constant holiday travel serves to remind us how important it is to have a reliable vehicle.

We can’t give thanks to our cars with acknowledging the recent advancements that have been made across the automotive industry. With a plethora of modern features, today’s driving experience is safer and more convenient than ever before. Before you get set to preparing Thanksgiving dinner, here’s four courses of recent and semi-recent automotive innovations we should all be thankful for:

Collision Avoidance Technology

The introduction of airbags was a huge leap forward for vehicle safety, providing a vital shield of protection following an accident. However, modern automakers are now focusing more on preventing such incidents from occurring altogether. This is where collision avoidance systems (CAS) come in and play a critical role.

The first (extremely rudimentary) rearview backup camera was introduced way back with the 1956 Buick Centurion, and today, that feature comes standard with most new vehicles. But car manufacturers’ goals have expanded to include fully-integrated driver assistance systems. These systems go beyond just alerting drivers about nearby vehicles; they can assume full command of the car’s functions to avert potential accidents. It’s the closest we’ve come to enveloping our cars in a force field (for now), and every day its presence saves lives.

Mobile App Interconnectivity

The world is more interconnected than ever, and your car plays a vital role in this never-ending web. While Bluetooth connectivity and other ways of linking your phone to your vehicle have been around for more than a decade, there has been a recent surge in the popularity of connected mobile apps.

For many car manufacturers, the integration of as many compatible applications as possible has become a top priority. In theory, it will make the transition from your home or office to your vehicle increasingly seamless. Assuming this trend continues, when it’s time to give thanks ten years from now, it might actually be easier to list the things your car isn’t capable of doing.

EcoBoost Engines

Any technological advancement becomes moot if we don’t prioritize our planet’s health first and foremost. Ford’s EcoBoost engine is a sustainable alternative to traditional engines, developed with this core belief in mind. This turbocharged petrol engine uses direct injection technology and aims to deliver comparable power and torque to standard engines, while significantly improving fuel efficiency. The result is a 20% boost in fuel economy and a 15% reduction in greenhouse emissions.

When we look ahead at the future of automobiles, electric vehicles and green-first options are bound to become more widespread. EcoBoost engines, being more affordable and versatile than conventional gas or diesel engines, will likely continue to gain popularity.

LED Headlights

Since their introduction in 2004, LED headlights have gained popularity among manufacturers, especially luxury brands. The reasons are clear – LED lights offer numerous advantages over traditional halogen and tungsten lights. These benefits include longer lifespans, better visibility, and reduced electricity consumption. As a result, LED headlights significantly reduce the cost of maintenance.

The Rest is Gravy

We have plenty to be thankful for here at Charge-A-Car – especially our loyal customers. Come check out our entire vehicle inventory. It’s a bit like an elegant Thanksgiving spread – plentiful, variable, and there for your fulfillment. Bon Appétit, and have a happy holiday!

5 Tips to Ensure You’re Buying a Reliable Used Vehicle

Used car shopping can be intimidating, especially when you’re entering with little to no preparation. When so much information is being thrown at you, it can be difficult to maintain focus on the vehicle’s most important aspects.

No two vehicles are alike, and when you shop Charge-A-Car‘s large inventory of cars, trucks, SUVs, and hybrids, you’ll be presented with a multitude of disparate options. Here are five tips to help you pinpoint exactly what you should be looking for in a vehicle to ensure you’re driving off our lot with a reliable ride: 

Look Up the Vehicle History 

Just as we all have personal records documenting our lifetimes of accomplishments and mistakes, every vehicle has its own recorded history. Researching a car’s history prior to purchasing it is vital, as it chronicles all previous owners and any accidents they may have been involved in.  

Like when a sports team balks at offering a player a long-term contract due to their concerning injury history, you should be cautious when investing years of your future to a vehicle with a lot of baggage in its past. Use CARFAX, AutoCheck, or a similar VIN history service to get the dirt on your potential next vehicle before you commit to it. 

Check the Mileage 

If a vehicle’s history gives you its comprehensive life’s tale, a simple look at the odometer is often enough to give you the gist of its story. Missouri boasts the fourth-highest per capita mileage in the country, trailing only Wyoming, New Mexico and Mississippi for the highest average of miles driven annually. 

Knowing this, you’ll want a car with that either a.) has a relatively low odometer reading, or b.) is made by a brand with a reputation for building cars with longevity. Do your research before you arrive at the dealership and compare any potential vehicle’s odometer reading with its age to determine how much wear and tear it’s already endured under previous ownership.

Thoroughly Inspect the Interior and Exterior 

Be as thorough as possible in checking every crevice of both the outside and inside of the vehicle. Some exterior damage will appear obvious, such as dents, scrapes, and frayed paint. But you’ll also want to closely review the tread of its tires and the condition of everything under the hood. In doing so, you should be able to confirm the information purported in the vehicle’s history. 

Don’t neglect the interior of the car either. We recommend a test drive (see below), but at the very least, turn the car on to make sure electronics and other features are starting properly. Be aware of any unusual odors or blemishes to the upholstery. Even if these imperfections don’t impact the performance of the car, it may be enough to talk you down to your preferred price range. 

Take It for a Test Drive 

There’s no better way to get a feel for a car’s health than putting yourself behind the wheel of it. Insist on a test drive before you make a decision, and don’t be afraid to put the car through its paces. Drive it both fast and slowly, make turns both sharp and wide, and take it on a variety of surfaces, from highways to off-road terrain. 

Your new vehicle is responsible for keeping you on the road in a variety of scenarios, so make sure you test out as many of those scenarios as possible before you permanently drive it home. 

Get a Second Opinion 

When making any major life purchase, it never hurts to have a second pair of eyes. Ideally, you’ll be able to get an expert’s opinion; making an appointment with an independent mechanic before you purchase, though time-consuming, will alleviate much of your car-buying anxiety. 

At the very least, bring a friend with you to the dealership, preferably one with automotive knowledge. Share with them your checklist of details you want inspected before you purchase, in case you get personally sidetracked in dealing with the salesperson. 

Drive Off Happy Today 

If you’ve followed all these steps and you’re satisfied with your findings, you should be good to go! You’ve researched the car, taken its odometer reading, inspected it inside and out, driven it for yourself, and gotten a supplementary opinion.  

Schedule your test drive at Charge-A-Car today. The biggest remaining problem you’ll have? So many of our vehicles will meet these criteria that choosing which you’ll drive off our lot will become a dilemma of its own. 

5 Auto Myths that Movies Continue to Perpetuate

Films and cars have have experienced quite the love affair throughout cinema history. Car chase scenes, popularized by actors like Sean Connery and Steve McQueen, became a staple of the New Hollywood epoch in the 1960’s. Countless beloved movies, from Back to the Future to Ferris Bueller to Mad Max: Fury Road, are synonymous with the iconic cars associated with them.

This cinematic romance with automobiles has only grown stronger over the years, with Ford v Ferrari earning a Best Picture nomination in 2020 and Fast and the Furious releasing its tenth mainline edition this summer, with an eleventh (and two additional spin-offs) in the pipeline. The racing video game franchise Gran Turismo even transitioned to the big screen recently.

However, a lot of our understanding about automobiles, gleaned from these cinematic portrayals, is more fiction than fact. Let’s attempt to separate movie magic from reality, especially when it comes to the following myths.

Landing a Jump Means the Car is Totally Fine

Cinema would have us believe that cars can make perfect jumps from ridiculous heights and continue on their journey unscathed. (See the 2004 version of Starsky and Hutch for one of the most egregious examples). The laws of physics denounce this concept resolutely.

Even minor jumps or unorthodox terrains can lead to a slew of car problems including tire damage, suspension failure, and engine issues. Even if there don’t appear to be issues on the surface, your vehicle could be suffering from internal damage.

Nitrous Oxide Activates Warp Speed

The nitrous oxide button, made famous in movies like Fast and the Furious and Mad Max 2, is often portrayed as a deus ex machina, a magic button capable of thrusting cars into a hyper-accelerated state. When all is looking bleak for the protagonist, a boost of N.O. is a cure-all solution.

Nitrous oxide actually is a practical resource, capable of optimizing engine power for a brief period. That doesn’t mean it causes cars to defy the laws of physics. At most, nitrous oxide increases engine power by 10-15%.

“Drifting” is a Logical Racing Maneuver

The concept of “drifting”, made most famous by the third Fast and the Furious entry, Tokyo Drift, is a curious one. While drifting, drivers engage in a controlled sideways skid meant to propel them forward at a boosted acceleration.

In reality, skidding during a race is counterproductive. Maintaining speed requires rolling in corners, not skidding. The next time you watch a Formula One race, take note of the lack of skid marks on the racetrack. It’s almost as if the greatest drivers in the world are aware of how counterintuitive drifting actually is.

Cars Are Impervious to Mother Nature

In the sunny Hollywood, dramatic weather is less an act of nature and more a tool for creating tension in the plot. Unless the director has a fascination for chasing tempests in their free time, the extreme rain and snow you witness are often the fruit of meticulous set design or CGI. Similarly, the vehicles in these scenarios behave in ways that stretch the imagination.

For every film like I’m Thinking of Ending Things, where Jesse Plemons makes a case for the practicality of snow chains, there exists a scene like the one in Fate of the Furious, where vehicles race and skid across a frozen tundra as though it’s an empty parking lot. Before you consider pushing your vehicle to perform against the harshness of a blizzard, bear in mind that even dropping temperature typical of Autumn can lead to increased risk of battery failure.

A Lone Bullet Hitting the Gas Tank Causes an Explosion

Villains in movies always aim for the gas flap, because a perfectly aimed shot equals an instant explosion, right? In reality, a bullet striking a fuel tank would merely create a hole. For an explosion to occur, a blend of fuel and oxygen is necessary, and fuel tanks do not contain the required amount of oxygen for such an event.

Also be aware that using your car as a shield is not truly safe. Most cars in the real world are not, we repeat not, bullet proof.

Now that we’ve established the difference between fiction and reality, continue to enjoy your movie nights! Just because we don’t live in a world of Matrix physics doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the ludicrous highway scene from The Matrix: Reloaded

While you’re scrolling through your streaming service, deciding what to watch tonight, take a moment to check out our virtual showroom. If and when you like what you see, schedule a test drive today at Charge-A-Car LLC!

Three best friends enjoying traveling at vacation in the car.

Top 5 Driving Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction 

As drivers, we all have our beliefs and habits on the road that we take for granted. Many of these come from the driving lessons we learned from parents, friends, or driving school instructors. However, not all of these beliefs are necessarily true, or the best practice on the road. 

In this blog, we will debunk five of the most common driving myths in America and provide you with the facts. By the end of this post, we hope you will have a better understanding of safe driving practices and improve your overall driving experience. 

Myth #1: It’s safer to drive with your hands at the 10 and 2 o’clock positions. 

Many of us learned the traditional way of holding the steering wheel at 10 and 2 o’clock. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends holding the wheel at 9 and 3 o’clock for better control, especially in case of sudden turns or steering movements. 

The 9 and 3 o’clock positions allow for a better grip of the wheel, making it easier to turn it in any direction if necessary. Additionally, this position provides the driver with increased space between their arms and chest in case of an accident, which can help reduce serious injuries. 

Myth #2: It’s safer to drive slower than the speed limit. 

While it’s important to obey speed limits, driving too slowly can also be dangerous. It can lead to impatient drivers behind you, causing them to make reckless maneuvers and potentially cause accidents. In some cases, driving too slowly can be a violation of the law, so make sure to maintain a speed that is reasonable and safe. 

Myth #3: Four-wheel drive or all-wheel drive makes you invincible on the road. 

While 4WD or AWD can provide better traction in certain driving conditions (such as on snow or ice), it can also provide a false sense of security to the driver. It does not make you invincible on the road and does not improve braking or steering ability. Always drive according to the road conditions and adjust your speed when necessary. 

Myth #4: Red cars are more likely to get pulled over by police. 

This is one of the most widespread urban legends in the driving community, but there is no evidence to back it up. The color of your car does not impact your chances of getting pulled over. Police officers look for safety violations, such as speeding, running red lights, or failing to use turn signals, regardless of the color of your car. 

Myth #5: Using your phone with your hands-free device is safe while driving. 

While using a hands-free device to make calls or send texts is legal in many states, it is not always safe. Even if your hands are on the wheel, your attention is still divided between driving and the conversation.  

Research shows that any form of phone use while driving can be distracting and increase the risk of accidents. Whenever possible, avoid using your phone while driving or pull over to a safe place if you need to make a call. 

Driving Debunked 

Driving myths can create confusion and impact safe driving habits. By debunking these five common driving myths, we hope to help drivers understand the importance of adopting safe driving practices, following traffic laws, and staying focused while on the road.  

Remember to always drive defensively, be aware of your surroundings, and be mindful of potential hazards. Safe driving is everyone’s responsibility.

A young Caucasian male driving instructor holding thumbs-up and a young Caucasian man holding a driver's licence are sitting in a car and looking at the camera with smiles on their faces.

Charge-A-Car’s Top 5 Tips for New Drivers

Driving is an exciting milestone in life, but it can also be intimidating, especially for new drivers. Navigating the roads as a beginner involves a lot of responsibility, but with proper guidance, it can be a lot easier and more secure. In this blog, we will focus on five tips that can help new drivers stay safe and confident on the road. 

Tip 1: Master the Basics 

Before hitting the road, it is essential to understand the fundamental rules of driving. Start by reviewing your state’s driver’s manual or take an approved driver’s education course. This will help you learn the rules of the road and gain a better understanding of road signs, speed limits, and traffic laws. Knowing the basics ensures that you can navigate the roads with confidence and safety.  

To further master the basics and gain a strong foundation in driving, it is important to practice frequently in various conditions. Make sure to drive in different weather conditions, such as rain or snow, and during different times of day. Additionally, practice on roads with varying speed limits and traffic levels. This will help you become comfortable behind the wheel and stay safe on the road. 

Tip 2: Keep Your Car Maintained 

Regular car maintenance is crucial for a vehicle’s safe operation. Keeping up with oil changes, brakes, and tire rotations are necessary for ensuring that the car is in proper working order. Having a reliable vehicle also means reducing the chance of costly and dangerous breakdowns.  

Having a reliable car is also essential for avoiding any unwanted incidents on the road. Be sure to check your fluids (oil, coolant, brake, and transmission) regularly and top them off if needed. Make sure to have your brakes inspected occasionally, as well as inspect the car’s tires for proper inflation levels and tread wear. 

Tip 3: Avoid Distractions 

Distractions while driving are dangerous, irresponsible, and can lead to accidents. Keep your phone on silent and out of reach while driving. If you need to use your phone, pull over to a safe spot to take the call or reply to a text message. Additionally, avoid eating, smoking, grooming, or engaging in other distracting activities while behind the wheel. 

In order to reduce distractions while driving, it is important to minimize the number of passengers in the car. Having fewer passengers in the vehicle reduces the chances of conversations or other interactions that could take your focus away from driving. Additionally, avoid programming GPS devices or changing radio stations while driving, as these activities require visual and mental attention. 

Tip 4: Don’t Tailgate 

Maintaining a safe distance between your car and the vehicle in front is crucial for a driver’s safety. The recommended following distance is three to four seconds between cars. This ample time will allow you to avoid a collision if the vehicle in front makes any sudden stops or turns. 

Tailgating can be dangerous and should always be avoided. Not only can it lead to rear-end collisions, but it can also cause road rage from the driver in front. Additionally, tailgating restricts vision and forces drivers to make quick decisions in order to avoid a collision.  

Tip 5: Obey All Traffic Rules 

Driving safely and responsibly involves obeying all traffic rules and laws, including stop signs, traffic signals, and posted speed limits. Remember, breaking the rules puts not only your safety but also the safety of other road users at risk.  

When driving, always be aware of the speed limit and the posted signs to ensure that you stay within the laws. Following the speed limit helps prevent speeding tickets and keeps you from putting yourself and other drivers at risk. Additionally, be mindful of intersections and obey any traffic signals, such as stop lights or yield signs. These traffic signals are there to keep you and other drivers safe on the road.  

Get Out and Drive — Safely! 

In conclusion, as a new driver, it is crucial to remain vigilant, patient, and adhere to basic traffic rules. Regular maintenance of your car, avoiding distractions, and maintaining a safe following distance are all essential practices to help ensure safe driving. Remember to never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, always wear your seatbelt, and enjoy the ride. Following these five tips will make you a more confident and responsible driver.